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Should you submit your movie to film festivals?

Are you a filmmaker looking to get your movie seen? Then submitting it to film festivals is the way to go! Submitting your movie can be a daunting task, so we have compiled all the information you need about what festivals are out there and how to submit. Read on for more info on why and how you should submit your movie to a film festival!

Introduction to Film Festivals

Film festivals are an exciting way to showcase your film to the world. From small local events to large international ones, these events can be a platform for filmmakers to get their work seen and appreciated. A film festival’s programming strategy is what sets it apart from the rest, so it’s important to research each festival before submitting your movie. Each festival has its own unique selection criteria, from genre and story to length and technical features, so be sure to check their guidelines before submitting. Furthermore, attending festivals you’d like to play at is a huge advantage as it allows you to get a better sense of the types of films they program. Finally, make sure you create a strong first impression when submitting your film by providing an impactful trailer and other materials that will help set your work apart.

Reasons to Submit to Film Festivals

Submitting your movie to film festivals can be incredibly beneficial for filmmakers. Not only does it give you the opportunity to share your work with a larger audience, but it also gives you the chance to gain valuable publicity and income. By submitting to festivals, you’ll have the chance to have your film screened in front of a live audience, which can be a great way to test out material and get feedback from potential viewers. Additionally, many festivals offer prizes and awards that can help boost your reputation as a filmmaker and provide much-needed exposure. The publicity earned from festival screenings can also lead to increased attention from distributors and other industry professionals, opening up even more opportunities.

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What Type of Film Festivals Should You Submit To?

Now that you know why it’s important to submit to film festivals, the next step is to determine what type of festival is best for your movie. Depending on your overall film fest goals, you may want to consider a mainstream or specialized festival. Mainstream festivals tend to focus on the most popular genres and feature films, while specialized festivals are often dedicated to niche topics and independent films. You should also keep in mind that most festivals will take into consideration whether a film is a “culture fit” for their event. Once you’ve identified the type of festival you’d like to submit your movie to, you can take steps to ensure that it meets the festival guidelines and requirements. This includes creating an effective trailer, providing a press kit, and writing a personal note thanking the festival for the invite and interest.

How to Prepare Your Film for Submission

To ensure that your movie is submitted properly to film festivals, there are several steps you should take to prepare it. Firstly, make sure your film meets the technical requirements of the festival by double-checking the guidelines. Secondly, if you are submitting a feature-length film, you will need to create a trailer that will give viewers an idea of the story and help the festival programmers determine if the movie is right for their audience. Thirdly, write a personal note thanking the festival for the invite and interest and attach it with your submission. Finally, do some research on the festivals you wish to submit to in order to find out more about their selection process, as this will help you tailor your submission and increase your chances of getting accepted.

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Making Sure Your Film Meets Festival Guidelines

Making sure your film meets the specific guidelines of a film festival is essential before submitting it. Before submitting, research what type of films each individual festival takes, and make sure your film meets their criteria. When possible, attend festivals you’d like to play at in order to get a better understanding of their programming tastes. Additionally, reach out to the festival programmers for advice on how to make sure your film is eligible for the competition. Finally, when registering on FilmFreeway, ensure that the viewing copy of your film meets the technical requirements set forth by the festival. With some careful preparation and research, you can help ensure that your movie has the best chance of being accepted by a prestigious film festival.

Creating an Effective Trailer for Your Movie

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Creating an effective trailer for your movie is an important step in submitting to film festivals. It can be daunting, but it is worth the effort as it can help draw attention to your submission. Having a trailer associated with your submission is valuable to our judging panel, so take the time to create a short teaser that will leave viewers wanting more. It should introduce viewers to the main characters, set up the central conflict of the film, and end on a major cliffhanger. With the right approach and dedication, you can make an impactful trailer that will help your submission stand out. Don’t forget to also make sure your film meets all of the festival guidelines so that you can maximize your chance of acceptance!

How to Promote Your Film After Submitting to the Festival

Once you have submitted your film to the festival, it is important to start building buzz around it. Share the news with other filmmakers and industry professionals, and use social media to spread the word. Create a hashtag related to your film and use it to promote your project or create a website or blog where you can showcase behind-the-scenes photos and videos. If you are selected to screen at the festival, make sure you reach out to press outlets and influencers who may be interested in covering your movie. You can also reach out directly to audience members who may be attending the festival. This can help create word of mouth for your film and increase its visibility. Finally, make sure that you thank the festival for selecting your film and for giving you the opportunity to showcase it.

North American Film Festival

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